If you are interested a hosting a Special Event in Brian Head, Here's some information you need to know:
1. Brian Head Town is here to assist with your event and will promote and provide certain town services for the event.
2. Complete a special event application and submit it to the Town Clerk. As part of the application, a site map is required for all races, marathons, runs, walks or any event that may encroach onto another properties.
3. Any event that includes serving alcohol or food requires other agencies permits/licenses for the event.
- If a special event alcohol license is submitted to the Department of Alcohol Beverage Control (DABC), then local consent is required. See the Town Clerk for local consent on special events.
- If food vendors are part of the event, all food vendors must have a County Health special event permit to operate.
4. All vendors are required to have a temporary sales tax ID# issued by the State Tax Commission.
5. If the event is held on town property, an insurance certificate is required identifying Brian Head Town as an additional insured.
For more information, please contact the Town Clerk at nleigh@bhtown.utah.gov or by calling the town offices at (435) 677-2029 during normal business hours.
Special Event General Information