Requests For Proposals

Brian Head Town will post its bid advertisements or request for proposals (RFP) on a regular basis.  Please contact the Town Clerk if you have questions regarding a RFP or the contact person identified in the RFP.

All proposals will be open publically and the successful bidder will be notified.

Brian Head Town reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals as a result of the requests, to negotiate with all qualified bidders or to cancel the request if it is in the best interest of Brian Head Town to do so.  The decision of the town shall be final.

Current Requests for Proposals:

Brian Head Town Building Cleaning Request for Proposals for three Town owned buildings: Town Hall, Public Safety Building and restrooms in the Town Maintenance Shop.

Details for Cleaning Proposals

Deadline Date to submit Proposals:  April 16, 2025

Submit Proposals to:  Town Clerk, Nancy Leigh: - by Mail: PO Box 190068, Brian Head, UT 84719
