Minor Alterations

Minor Structure Alterations & Landscaping Process


Brian Head Town requires design review process to secure the general purposes and objectives of the Land Management Code and ensure that the general appearance and public safety of buildings, structures, and development are harmonious and complementary to a mountain resort town.
You must obtain a design review approval from Brian Head Town for the exterior alterations of buildings and premises which do not require a building permit (such as re-siding, painting, replacing roofing, and landscaping).

Required Permits & Approvals
  • Design Review Approval
Review Process
Standards for Review
  1. The proposed uses, structure and site improvements shall conform to the following:
    • Town General Plan;
    • Zoning regulations of Title 9 Chapter 7 and other relevant sections of the Brian Head Town Code;
    • Applicable building codes as adopted by the State;
    • General design standards of Title 9 Chapter 12 of the Brian Head Town Code;
    • Other applicable laws.
  2. The design shall be sensitive to the constrains of topography, soil types, geologic hazards, watercourses and floodplains visual impacts and preservation of views.
  3. Utilities and services shall be available and adequate to meet the needs of the proposed structure and uses.
To Apply for a Minor Alteration Permit