Grading & Excavating Permit Process
Brian Head Town requires a permit for any excavation, grading, filling, trenching, or clearing of land or vegetation (grubbing) to eliminate unsafe slopes and soil instability, to avoid detrimental alteration of drainage patterns, to provide for safe and standardized utility location and installation practices, and to preserve the natural aesthetics of a mountain town consistent with the Town’s General Plan.
If you are clearing or grading a lot in preparation for a commercial, industrial, or multi-family residential building, the grading and excavating approvals will be handled as part of the building permit process. If you are clearing or grading for a single-family residential building, you may obtain a grading and excavating permit prior to obtaining a building permit, but a restoration and landscaping bond will be required.
Required Permits & Approvals
- Grading & Excavating Permit
- Tree Removal Permit: Removing trees over 6” diameter
- Retaining wall over 4’ high or with loading will need a building permit
- Retaining Wall Approval: Over 12’ height or 100’ length (Planning Commission)
Submittal Requirements:
Permit Application
Permit Fee ($350 cabin or $600 condo/commercial)
Written Description of Activity
Security Agreement
Copy of Driver's License
Engineered Grading Plan:
- Existing conditions, including:
- Existing topography
- Previously disturbed areas
- Areas showing signs of a history of landslide or erosion
- Proposed areas of disturbance
- Existing and proposed surface drainage flow patterns
- Location of existing and proposed utilities
- Proposed cuts with slope measurements and heights
- Proposed retaining walls with heights and lengths
- Clearly show any tiering of walls with heights of each tier
- Notes describing materials used for retaining walls
- Proposed storm drainage infrastructure
Restoration and Landscaping Plan:
- All disturbed, undisturbed, and landscaped areas
- Areas where mature trees will be preserved
- Locations of walls, walkways, patios, fences, trees, and other vegetation
- Descriptions of materials used
- Specification of species, variety, number and size of trees and shrubs
- Description of restoration measures for remaining disturbed areas, including xeriscape and reseeding
- North Arrow Indicator
- Lot boundaries with dimensions and lot size
Soil/Geology Report
- Geologic Conditions Form
- Geotechnical Report
Insurance Information: The applicant will provide a certificate of insurance for the contractor. If work is undertaken in a Town right-of-way, the certificate must meet the following requirements:
- $1,000,000 coverage
- Brian Head Town named as additional insured
Review Process (Typical Approval Time - 14 days)
- Completed Application Submitted
- Building and Planning Review & Security Determination
- Public Works Dept Review
- Engineering Review
- Determination Sent to Applicant
- Initial Inspection (prior to commencing work)
- Re-seeding Inspection (inspector must be present during reseeding)
- Final Inspection
- As-Built Drawings Submitted
- Security Release
Standards for Review
- Prevent significant erosion and soil stability issues by:
- Minimizing cuts and fills on steep or hazardous terrain,
- Limiting clearing of vegetation or disturbances of the soil to areas of proven stability,
- Ensuring landscaping and restoration within one year of completing the grading work,
- Properly retaining any potentially unsafe slopes.
- Ensure that the natural/historic runoff capacity shall not be exceeded causing flooding, erosion, or silting.
- Comply with Standards & Specifications for Public Works Construction and the construction requirements and standards set forth in 9-10-2(E)
- Preserve the natural aesthetics of a mountain town consistent with the General Plan by:
- Avoiding unnecessary clearing or burying of vegetation,
- Ensuring that all excavation work, including spoil piles, do not create an attractive nuisance or hazard to the general public,
- Eliminating scars from cuts and fills by rounding off sharp angles at the top, toe and sides of cut and fill slopes and matching or blending the natural contours and undulation of the land,
- Preserving trees and other native vegetation where possible and in accordance with fire-safe principles,
- Carefully removing, storing, and replacing a layer of fertile topsoil in disturbed areas for re-vegetation where feasible.