The Brian Head Town Council meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month unless otherwise noticed. All meetings begin at 1:00 pm or shortly thereafter. If you would like to speak to the Council during a meeting about a non-agenda item, you may do so during the Public Input portion of the meeting. Please note that comments are limited to three minutes and are for non-agenda items only.
If you would like to be on the agenda, please contact the Town Clerk at or by calling the Town offices at 435-677-2029 during normal business hours. The Town Council meeting packets are available the Friday afternoon prior to the meeting. All meetings are held via Zoom Meeting and the meeting link will be posted on the agenda, the Town website homepage and on the calendar. If you have any questions, please contact the Town Clerk during normal business hours.
May 9, 2023 Town Council Meeting Zoom link
Zoom Meeting ID 842 2863 4579
May 9, 2023 Town Council Meeting Packet
May 9, 2023 Agenda for Town Council Meeting – please note that the agenda could change up until 24 hours prior to the meeting.
1. 10-year service award – Bret Howser, Town Manager
2. Tree Commission Member Appointments
3. FY2024 Tentative Budget Presentation
4. Iron, Garfield, Beaver Taskforce Interlocal Agreement
5. Emergency Management Plan Discussion
6. Snow Removal for Handicapped Residents
7. Town Walking Trail Phase 3 Bid Award
8. FY2024 Strategic Plan Adoption
9. Future Agenda Items.