Accessory Structure Construction Process
Brian Head Town requires a building permit review process to secure the general purposes and objectives of the Land Management Code and ensure the general appearance and public safety of buildings, structures, and development are harmonious and complementary to a mountain resort town.
You must obtain a design review approval from Brian Head Town for any accessory structure (such as detached garages, sheds, etc.) and a building permit for accessory structures exceeding 200 square feet or with plumbing or electrical.
To Apply for a Permit
Required Permits & Approvals
- Design & Zoning Review Approval from Brian Head Town (includes approval for grading/excavating and tree removal)
- Building Permit Issued
Review Process
- Completed Application Submitted through
- Town Staff Design Review
- Planning Commission Design Review (not required for single-family)
- Structural Review
- Fees & Security Submitted
- Building Permit Issued
Standards for Review
- Must be detached from the primary structure and have a minimum of ten feet (10’) of clearance from other structures.
- Cannot be used as a habitable space.
- Structure cannot be located within the setback.
- Must meet snow load requirements.
- Required to have footings or foundation for accessory structures over 450 square feet.
- Structures must meet all applicable International Building Code requirements.
- No more than three (3) accessory structures are allowed on a single lot of up to one (1) acre. Additional accessory structures may be allowed on lots larger than one acre, not to exceed two (2) accessory structures per additional acre.
- The footprint of an accessory structure must not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the footprint of the primary structure. In no case shall an accessory structure exceed 3,000 square feet in footprint.
- Maximum height of accessory structure shall not exceed 80% of the primary structure and is limited by the area of the structure as follows (some exceptions apply):
- 0 – 200 square feet, 15 feet maximum height.
- 201 – 400 square feet, 19 feet maximum height.
- 401 – 1,000 square feet, 24 feet maximum height.
- 1,001 – 1,500 square feet, 27 feet maximum height.
- 1,501 square feet and above, maximum height determined by Planning Commission review, but shall in no case exceed thirty-two feet (32’).
Submittal Requirements
Permit Plans
- Rooms labeled with dimensions
- Window sizes and types
- Roof Pitch
- Doors with sizes
Structural Plans: (for buildings over 200sq feet)
Stamped by Utah Licensed Engineer
- Footing size and bar placement
- Foundation thickness and bar placement
- Beam and header sizes
- Nailing pattern
- Bearing points
- Structural member size and spans
- Sheathing
- Details with the information provided
Site Plan
- Lot boundaries with dimensions and lot size
- Setbacks to all property lines
- Adjacent roads, Including names
- Easements and Rights-of-way
- Existing utilities
- Proposed utilities and meter locations
- Existing drainage and proposed drainage
- Drainage Control plan during construction
- Percentage of slope
- Footprint of existing structures
- Driveway (width, slope, material)
- Footprint and sq. footage of proposed structures
- Percentage of buildings footprint coverage
- Elevation of foundation
- Undisturbed area of lot with percentage
- Construction staging area
- Snow storage areas
- Number of parking spaces
- North Arrow Indicator
- Defensible Space
Engineered Grading Plan:
Required on all lots with 25% slope or greater prepared and stamped by Utah Licensed Engineer.
- Existing conditions, including:
- Existing topography
- Previously disturbed areas
- Areas showing signs of a history of landslide or erosion
- Proposed areas of disturbance
- Existing and proposed surface drainage flow patterns
- Location of existing and proposed utilities
- Proposed cuts with slope measurements and heights
- Proposed retaining walls with heights and lengths
- Clearly show any tiering of walls with heights of each tier
- Notes describing materials used for retaining walls
- Proposed storm drainage infrastructure
Design Elevations & Exterior Design choices:
- Illustrations of exterior structure designs
- Building height (measured from natural grade to the highest point of the building over the natural grade)

- Architectural style (including type and color of exterior materials to be used)
- Please include samples or pictures exterior materials
- Roof material, color, and pitch
- Must provide manufacturer’s Light Reflective Value (LRV) for metal roof
- Height of any exposed foundations
- Type and style of exterior lighting (must be night sky friendly)
Restoration and Landscaping Plan:
- All disturbed, undisturbed, and landscaped areas
- Areas where mature trees will be preserved
- Locations of walls, walkways, patios, fences, trees, and other vegetation
- Descriptions of materials used
- Specification of species, variety, number and size of trees and shrubs
- Description of restoration measures for remaining disturbed areas, including xeriscape and reseeding
- North Arrow Indicator
- Lot boundaries with dimensions and lot size
- Footprint of existing and proposed structures